With Aura Satz, Irene Revell and Tabitha Thorlu-Bangura.

Reference Point, 180 The Strand, London
Tuesday 15 November 2022, 7pm

Image: Aura Satz, ‘TUNING FORK SPELL’

Does sound have consciousness? Can you imagine listening beyond the edge of your own imagination?

Celebrate the launch of pioneering musician Pauline Oliveros’ Quantum Listening with Ignota Books at Reference Point. This marks the first in our QUANTUM LISTENING season of events that will explore the roots and legacies of Deep Listening™ with a broad curiosity toward vibration, resonance and altered states.

Join us for an evening of sonic meditation, ambient resonance and abyssal sounds with artist Aura Satz, curator and writer Irene Revell and NTS creative director Tabitha Thorlu-Bangura, hosted by Ignota’s Sarah Shin and Susanna Davies-Crook.

Quantum Listening is a manifesto for listening as activism. Through simple yet profound exercises, Oliveros shows how Deep Listening is the foundation for a radically transformed social matrix: one in which compassion and peace form the basis for our actions in the world. 

For the occasion, artist Aura Satz has produced limited edition prints which will launch and be released to the public on 15 November 2022. Editions will be on sale at the event for £180 - RRP £220

This event also ushers in Ignota’s new membership portal The Mountain: a platform for aural exploration and sonic content including poetry readings, music mixes, weird tech, ritual and practice commissioned by Ignota’s Pillars of the Mountain Himali Singh Soin, Jay Springett, Tabitha Thorlu-Bangura and Leila Sadeghee.